PCU 2: Understand Climate Variability and Change and Apply to Local Services Producer: Brian Brettschneider, Alaska Region Headquarters and Ray Wolf, NWS Davenport, Iowa Training need: NWS field staff will learn how climate variability and change affect regional and local weather as a foundation for producing messaging on climate timescales for partners.
Training objective: To familiarize NWS field staff with important aspects of climate variability used in climate monitoring and prediction, and climate change in order to support field-level messaging and decision support services.
Specific Job Task Skills and Knowledge: Demonstrate familiarity with the definition, description, characteristics, teleconnections, and predictability of the following components:
- Other teleconnections (PDO, AMO, PNA, etc.)
- Internal modes of variability
- Monsoonal systems
- Land surface processes
- Drought genesis and maintenance
- Stratosphere-troposphere interactions
- Blocking
- Ocean circulations including the thermohaline circulation
- Arctic sea ice change including mid-latitude implications
- Volcanic effects
- Solar and lunar variabilities
- Multidecadal variability
- Global change
- Extreme events including attribution
PCU 2 Instructional Components:
Please note, updated modules for each instructional component are in development.
Links will be added as they become available.
Instructional Component 2.1: Introduction to Climate Variability
- Communicating Subseasonal to Seasonal Impacts: Climate-Weather Interactions
Training Module (MetEd Version | LMS Version)
- Statistics in Climate Analysis
- Dynamic Climatology
Instructional Component 2.2: Subseasonal to Seasonal Variability
- Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO)
- MJO Life Cycle
- MJO Prediction and Impacts
- Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO): Assessing Midlatitude Subseasonal Impacts
Training Module (MetEd Version | LMS Version)
- AO/NAO Prediction and Impacts
- Other Teleconnections
- Stratosphere-Troposphere Interactions
- Blocking
- Atmospheric Circulation and Sea Surface Temperature
- Monsoonal Systems
Instructional Component 2.3: Seasonal to Interannual Climate Variability
- El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
- ENSO Life Cycle
- ENSO Prediction and Impacts
- Communicating Subseasonal to Seasonal Impacts: ENSO
Training Module (MetEd Version | LMS Version)
- Understanding Drought
- Other Teleconnections
- Drought
- Volcanic Effects
- Arctic Sea Ice Changes
- Internal Modes of Variability
Instructional Component 2.4: Intra-decadal to Long-term Variability
- Multidecadal Variabilities
- Pacific Decadal Oscillation
- Climate Change
- Climate Change - Physical Mechanisms
- Climate Change - Models and Projections
- Communicating Subseasonal to Seasonal Impacts: Climate Change
Training Module (MetEd Version | LMS Version)
- The National Climate Assessment and Climate Change Impacts
- NOAA Climate Resilience Toolkit
- Ocean Circulations including Thermohaline
- Solar Variations
Instructional Component 2.5: Land Surface Processes
- Land Surface Processes and Models
- Soil Moisture
Instructional Component 2.6: Extreme Events
- Climatologies and Trends
- Attribution