PCU 1: Know the Infrastructure for Climate Data and Services
Producer: Jenna Meyers, AFS/CSB
Training need: NWS field staff must provide accurate and consistent climate information and services to NWS customers, and have a working knowledge of credible sources of information from a wide array of providers.
Training objective: NWS field staff need to identify appropriate sources of climate data, products, and information.
Specific Job Task Skills and Knowledge:
- Utilize climate data from different providers:
- Regional Climate Centers
- State Climatologists
- Universities
- OAR/NCO Integrated Regional Assessments
- Cooperative Institutes
- OAR Laboratories (e.g., CDC, PMEL, AOML, FSL, GLERL)
- Local sources (e.g., office, cooperative observers)
- USDA, USGS, COE, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation
- Access climate forecasts from the different providers:
- Climate Prediction Center (CPC)
- Experimental (e.g., IRI, CDC, CPC)
- Private sector
- Other national and international meteorological organizations (e.g., UK MetOffice, ECWCF, and other World Meteorological Organization partners)
- Apply information on climate variability and climate change from various sources:
- Official NOAA sources (e.g., CPC, NCEI, ESRL)
- Universities
- Other US Federal Government labs
- RCCs/State Climatologists
- Professional organizations (e.g., AMS, AGU, AAG)
- International Organizations (e.g., WMO, IPCC)
- Private organizations (e.g., EPRI)