


5.6 Corrected TAF

A corrected TAF is issued after the discovery of an error in the message. The error could be typographical or missing text. The corrected forecast should be issued as soon as the error is discovered.


Original TAF Corrected TAF
FTUS42 KLOX 151100
KLAX 151132Z 1512/1612 17015KT....

FTUS42 KLOX 151100 CCA
KLAX 151214Z 1512/1612 19015KT...

In the example, the KLAX TAF was originally issued at 1132 UTC on the 15th day of the month. The TAF was later corrected for the wind direction at 1214 UTC on the 15th day of the month.

The corrected TAF is identified in the WMO header using the contraction "CCx", as discussed in Lesson 5.3 Formats.