


7.4 Additional Training

Now that you are familiar with the coding and rules for TAFs, you are thinking "I need to learn more about how to forecast the weather elements in a TAF and how my forecasts impact our customers and partners."

There are a number of training modules available designed to give you a better understanding of synoptic and mesoscale physical mechanisms, forecast tools, TAF preparation strategies and customer impacts to help you prepare and issue your aviation forecasts.

The training series and modules listed below can be found in Aviation Professional Development Series (PDS) and in the NWS Learning Center under the Aviation Courses Catalog page. Your training coordinator may assign them to you via a learning plan.

  1. Distance Learning Aviation Course 1 (DLAC 1) - This series of modules is designed to give forecasters a comprehensive understanding of the physical mechanisms, synoptic patterns, and mesoscale features involved in fog/stratus generation and dissipation, as well as the latest forecast tools used to predict these challenging events.
  2. Distance Learning Aviation Course 2 (DLAC 2) - This series of modules provide tools and strategies for including elements like cloud ceilings, visibilities, thunderstorms, winter weather, and low-level wind shear in the TAFs. The importance of understanding airport operational thresholds, customer impacts, and how to effectively communicate with our customers is also presented.
  3. The Impact of Weather on Air Traffic Management - This module focuses on the National Airspace System (NAS) and how weather affects it. It describes the various components of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), how that organization manages air traffic, and how CWSU and WFO forecasts help the FAA's decision-making process.
  4. Introduction to TAF Verification - This lesson covers how to retrieve, interpret, and apply your TAF verification data which is available on the NWS Performance Management web site.
  5. Impact of TEMPOs on TAF Verification - The presentation will give you an understanding of how the use of TEMPO forecasts impact TAF verification scores.
  6. Aviation Professional Development Series (PDS) - This is a comprehensive list of knowledge, skills, and competencies for forecasters who provide aviation products and services. Available training, job aides, and references are provided.