Nota Bene: If there are terms and acronyms that you use routinely that are missing from this list, please tell us about them so that we may add them to the list.
ACD ... automated call distribution
ACN ... AWIPS Communication Network [AWIPS]
ACU ... Acquisition Control Unit
ADCCP Advanced Data Communications Control Procedures: the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) version of a HDLC protocol that is used for synchronous transmission of data.
ADAS ... AWOS Data Acquisition System (FAA)
ADDL ... Advanced Development and Demonstration Laboratory
ADP ... automated data processing
AFOS ... Automation of Field Operations and Services
AFPS ... AWIPS Forecast Preparation System
AI ... artificial intelligence
Amplifier: A device used to increase the strength of an analog signal.
AMSU ... advanced microwave sounding unit
Analog A signal, such as voice, that varies in a continuous manner. Signal (Contrast with Digital signal)
ANSI ... American National Standards Institute [AWIPS]
AO ... automated observation
AOMC ... ASOS Operations and Monitoring Center
API ... Application Programmer Interface [AWIPS]
APPN ... Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking
ARC ... automatic remote collector
ARP ... address resolution protocol
ARP Address Resolution Protocol: The TCP/IP network-layer protocol that translates an (32 bit) IP address into a (48 bit) physical layer address. ART The Automatic Radiotheodolite, ART, is a ground-based radio direction finder that automatically tracks a ballon-borne radiosonde.
ART Description ART Pictures ASOS Automated Surface Observing System: NWS system of weather sensor equipment.
ASOS Description ASOS Pictures
AS1 ... Application Server 1 [AWIPS]
ASOS Automated Surface Observing System: NWS system of weather sensor equipment.
ASOS Description ASOS Pictures ASOS Comms Diagram
ATM ... asynchronous transfer mode
ATM ... automated teller machine
AUI ... Application User Interface [AWIPS]
AVHRR ... Adveanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
AWIPS Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System: NWS Computer system for ingesting and displaying weather data for NWS Forecast Offices and River Forecast Centers.
AWIPS Summary Description
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Bandwidth - The frequency range between the lowest and highest frequencies that are passed through a component, circuit, or system with acceptable attenuation. Baseband - The frequency band occupied by a single signal in it's original or unmodulated form. Baseband - A method of signaling in which only one signal occurs on the tranmission signaling media at any given point in time. Baud A unit of signaling speed equal to the number of signal events per second. Not necessarily the same as bits per second (bps).
bis Meaning second in Latin, this term is used as a suffix to denote a secondary version of a ITU modem standard. Bit rate - The speed at which bits are transmitted, usually expressed in bits-per-second. Not neccessarily the same as baud rate.
BMP ... bitmap (type of electronic image)
bootp - Network protocol which allows systems to get configuration/boot information from some other more authoritative or more intelligent system typically residing on the local LAN. bps (bits per second) A measure of the information transfer rate of a channel.
BPI ... bits per inch
BPS ... bits per second
Bridge A device that expands a local area network by forwarding packets based on the (48 bit) physical address. In OSI terminology, a bridge operates at the Data Link Layer (layer 2).
Broadband - A method of signaling in which multiple signals share the bandwidth of the transmission by the subdivision of the bandwidth into channels based on frequency.
Browser - A program that is used as a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for retrieving and viewing html documents (Web Pages) from the World-Wide-Web (Internet). Documents are transferred using the http protocol.
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CAD ... computer-aided design
CADD ... computer-aided design and drafting
CAI ... computer-aided instruction
carrier - A signal suitable for modulation by another signal containing information to be transmitted. The carrier is usually a sine wave for analog systems.
CCITT - Consultative Committee for International Telephone and Telegraph
CD ... compact disk
CD-ROM ... compact disk, read-only memory
cell A 53-byte-long transmission unit used by ATM. Each cell has a 5-byte header and 48-byte payload. channel, voice grade - A channel, generally with a frequency range of about 300 to 400 Hz, suitable for transmission of speech or data in analog form. Data transmission rates of 9600 Bps can be achived by modulation techniques that produce a baud rate of 2400.
CIR ... committesysinformation rate
client - A workstation/program which requests a network service from another system. Comms A device that connects many terminals to a LAN through one Server network connection. The terminal may be remoted through a modem. This is also sometimes called a terminal server. Pictures of Terminal/Comm Server committesysinformation rate - The minimum operating rate supported by a frame-relay service. connection-oriented - A type of communication in which a connection must be established between the sender and receiver before transmission occurs. contention - The facility provided by dial networks or a port selector that allows multiple terminals to compete on a first-come-first-served basis for a smaller number of computer ports
COTS ... Commercial Off-the-Shelf (software and hardware) [AWIPS]
CP : COMMUNICATIONS PROCESSOR View info on AWIPS CP CRON - A UNIX utility that can automatically start jobs/programs at specified times, dates, day-of-week, etc...
CPU ... central processing unit
CRS = Console Replacement System for NOAA Weather Radio. CRS Description CRS Pictures
CRT ... cathode ray tube
CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detect: a local area network access technique in which multiple stations connected to the same channel are able to sense transmission activity on the channel and to defer the initiation of transmission while the channel is active. In addition the stations are able to detect the interference caused by simultaneous transmissions by 2 or more stations (collisions) and to retransmit colliding messages in an orderly manner. CSU Channel Service Unit terminates the high-speed circuit, performs signal regeneration, monitors for bipolar violations, and performs remote loopback testing. A CSU can be used on either a T1 or a fractional T1.
View NEXRAD CSU Info. View DSU/CSU pic.
CW ... continuous wave
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daemon A UNIX program that runs as a background process (similiar to a DOS TSR)
DAT ... digital audio tape
DATACOL ... software system supporting RFC gateway functions
db ... decibel
DBMS ... Data Base Management System
DC ... direct current
DCE Data Communications Equipment: The equipment that provides the functions required to establish, maintain and terminate a connection, and that provides the signal conversion required for communication between data terminal equipment and telephone line or data circuit. DSX-1 Actual data rate achieved on a DS-1 (T1) minus the 8k of framing bits/sec that is equal to 1.536Mbps. Term is used in 88D 520 manual.
DCP ... data collection platform (satellite)
DCP ... data collection package (ASOS)
DDT ... design, development and test
DFD ... Data Flow Diagram [AWIPS]
demodulation - The process of recovering data from a modulated carrier wave. The reverse of modulation.
DIFAX ... digital facsimile
DNS Domain Name System: The distributed name and address mechanism used in the Internet.
DOS ... disk operating system
DSU Digital Service Unit converts incoming digital data into the bipolar format for transmission over a T1 or fractional T1. Fractional T1 can operate at speeds up to 56Kbps or 64kbps clear channel. View DSU/CSU pic. DSU/CSU With divestment of the Bell system the DSU and CSU functions may be combined in one unit. DS-1 Digital signaling rate of 1.544Mbps used on T1 DTE Data Terminal Equipment. A computer that provides data in the form of digital signals as it's output.
DS1 ... Data Server 1 [AWIPS]
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Eb/No ... Energy per Bit over Noise density associated with the SBN operation [AWIPS]
Ethernet A 10Mbps bus standard for LANs using the IEEE 802.3 frame and CSMA/CD but address and control slightly differ from 802.3. Ethernet and 802.3 require different software drivers (See OSI model).
Download ETHERNET cbi course
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FDDI Fiber Distribution Data Interface: a high-speed (100Mbps) LAN standard. The underlying medium is fiber optics, and the typical topology consists of dual-attached, counter-rotating rings. IEEE 802.8 is the standard for FDDI.
FDDI pictures Download FDDI cbi course FDM Frequency Division Multiplexer: A device that divides the available transmission frequency range into narrower bands, each of which is used for a separate channel.
FEP ... front-end processor
FIPS ... Federal Information Processing Standard
Firewall - Equipment and/or software configured to provide enhanced security between networks.
Flow-control: The orderly regulation of the flow of data by the use of special characters (inband signaling) or control signals at the RS232 interface (outband signaling)
FM ... frequency modulation
FORTRAN ... Formula Translation Language (programming language) [AWIPS]
Frame-relay : A packet switched service that does not provide for error detection and correction, resulting in minimal routing delays.
Frame_relay Circuit components diagram FTP File Transfer Protocol: A TCP/IP protocol that lets a user on one computer access and transfer files to and from another computer over a network.
FTS ... Federal Telephone System
Full Duplex - Refers to a communications system or equipment capable of simultaneous two-way communication.
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Gateway In the TCP/IP world a router is referred to as a gateway because it is the gateway to wide area networking. For everybody else a gateway is the device that allows a network to access the facilities of another network. gated A UNIX routing program that supports multiple routing protocols
GIF ... graphics interface format (type of electronic image)
GMT ... Greenwich mean time
GOES ... Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite
GOES-NEXT ... Next Generation Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite
GOSIP ... Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile
GTA ... ground to air
GTE ... General Telephone Spacenet [AWIPS]
GTS ... Global Telecommunication System
GUI ... Graphical User Interface [AWIPS]
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Half-duplex - Refers to a communications system or equipment capable of communication in both directions, but in only one direction at a time. Handshaking - Exchange of predetermined codes and signals between two data terminals to establish a connection.
HCI (HI) ... Human Computer Interface [AWIPS]
HCL ... Hydrologic Command Language [AWIPS]
HDLC High-level Data Link Control. ITU standard for bit-oriented, data-link control protocol, with error correction that is used for synchronous data transmission.
HF ... high frequency
HIPS ... High Resolution Picture Transmission (HRPT) Image Processing System
HIRS ... high-resolution infrared sounder
HIRS-2 ... high-resolution infrared sounder, version 2
HIRS-3 ... high-resolution infrared sounder, version 3
HMI ... Human/Machine Interface [AWIPS]
Host Term used to refer to a TCP/IP workstation.
HP-UX A version of the UNIX operating system that is used on Hewlett Packard systems.
HRDI ... high-resolution Doppler imager
HRIR ... high-resolution infrared radiometer
HRPT ... high-resolution picture transmission
HSP ... hard-wired signal processor
HTTP Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol - a protocol used to transfer html documents over the Internet/Intranet. The protocol is invoked through the use of a client program called a browser. HTML Hyper-text Markup Language a computer coding language used to create text/graphics documents suitable for viewing via a browser(see HTTP). hub A piece of equipment used in Ethernet/10BaseT LANs to connect multiple workstations or devices together logically and physically to a single location. The hub has multiple RJ-45 connectors. Internally it has a single bus.
Pocket-Hub Pictures
Hz ... hert
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IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (U.S.) SUMMARY CHART of IEEE 802 Standards IEEE 802.2 A data link layer control (LLC) standard used with 802.3, 802.4, 802.5 and 802.8 IEEE 802.3 A physical layer standard specifying a linear (bus) LAN using CSMA/CD access method. Ethernet is a similar standard but not an IEEE encapsulation. Usually 10Mbps.
IEEE 802.4 A physical layer standard specifying a linear (bus) LAN using token- passing access method. Usually 10Mbps. IEEE 802.5 A physical layer standard specifying a ring topology LAN using token- passing access method. IBM's token ring follows this standard. May operate at 4Mbps or 16Mbps.
IEEE 802.8 A specification for a (FDDI) Fiber Distributed Data Interface LAN to connect to a fiber optic transmission system using the token-passing access method.
IFPS - Interactive Forecast Preparation System (used in AWIPS). Forecasters use IFPS to create a digital database of predicted weather elements from which a suite of text, tabular, and image forecast products are automatically created and formatted. View IFPS Training
Informix - Commercial (Relational) Database Management System (RDBMS) used in AWIPS. Download Introductory NWSTC Informix O.V. materials View online NWSTC DB/Informix concepts overview doc. Informix Web-Site Interface - A shared boundary defined by common physical interconnection characteristics, signal characteristics, and meanings of interchanged signals. Internet - A network term for that is most commonly used to describe a collection of networks interconnected with routers. Intranet - An Internal WAN not directly connected to the Internet. IP - Internet Protocol is the network layer protocol for a connectionless, best- effort packet delivery service. Is used to route packets through a switched network. CLICK HERE for more information on IP addressing CLICK HERE for online instruction on IP addressing IPX/SPX - a protocol stack used in Novell LANs
IR ... Infrared
IS ... Information systems
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network: A communication offering designed to provide a universal digital network that will enable the integration of voice and data on a common telephone facility. ISO International Standard organization. Volunteer organization involved with developing standards for computers and networks.
IT ... Information technology
ITU An International standards committee. Formally known as CCITT.
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JCL ... job control language
jet-direct - a NIC(network interface card) licensed to Hewlett Packard specifically designed for connecting peripherals such as printers/plotters directly to a LAN.
jitter - a tendency toward lack of synchronization caused by mechanical or electrical changes.
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kb ... kilobit
kbps ... kilo bits per second [AWIPS]
kB ... kilobyte
kernel A term used in operating systems to mean the core O/S. The kernel is responsible for the low-level functions such as hardware management.
kHz ... kilohertz
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LAN: (see Local Area Network) LAPM Link Access Protocol for Modems. A ITU link layer (HDLC ) protocol built-in to modems for V.42 error correction. LAPB Link Access Protocol Balanced. A HDLC protocol part of the X.25 standard for access to a packet switching network. View info. on LAPB use in NEXRAD LAPD Link Access Protocol for D-channel. Originally developed as an HDLC protocol for ISDN and is also used in frame relay networks.
LAPS ... Local Analysis and Prediction System
LARC ... limited automated remote collector (replaced DARDC)
LBC ... laser beam ceilometer
LDAD : Local Data Acquisition and Dissemination (external interface to AWIPS) View info on AWIPS LDAD View LDAD diagrams/add'l info.
LDS ... Lightning Detection System
LED ... light-emitting diode
LEDWI ... light-emitting diode weather indicator [ASOS]
Linux - a derivative of the UNIX operating system which runs on Intel and other PC platforms. Local Area Network : A communications network that is restricted to a small geographic area, usually within a building or on a campus, and that has cabling normally installed or controlled by the organization that operates the network.
View more detailed LAN definition/info. Local loop : The pair of wires between a phone customer terminal and the central office. Loopback test : A test of a communications link performed by connecting the equipment output of one unit to the equipment input of the other unit and testing the quality of the received signal.
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mbps ... mega bits per second
MHz ... megahertz
MIME ... multipurpose Internet mail extension
MIS ... Management Information System
MNP An acronym for the Microcom Inc. protocols called Micro Networking Protocol. MNP is divided into 10 classes. Two MNP modems negotiate to the highest mutually supported class. MNP classes 2-4 error correction and MNP 5 data compression has been licensed to many modem manufacturers. Modem - MOdulator/DEModulator: A type of DCE that at the transmitting end converts digital data to an analog signal for transmission on telephone circuits. A modem at the receiving end converts the analog signal to digital form.
View Modem Circuit diagrams Download MODEMS cbi course modulation - The process of varying some characteristics of the carrier wave in accordance with the instantaneous value or samples of the intelligence to be transmitted. Amplitude, frequency, and phase are the characteristics commonly varied.
MPEG ... Movie Picture Expert Group
Multiplex - To interleave or simultaneously transmit two or more messages on a single channel.
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NCF Network Control Facility: NWS & PRC managed help desk facility for AWIPS. NCF tel# = 301-713-1284 NCF Web-Site NESDIS : National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service NetBeui - a protocol stack used in native MicroSoft LANs NetCDF : NETwork Common Data Form : data storage and retrieval software interface and file structure used in AWIPS. NetCDF provides portable, self-describing data files particularly suitable to uniform multi-dimensional data sets. Network Interface Card - a computer board/card that is used to connect the computer to the local network.
View card and connector pics ansysinfo NEXRAD: NEXt generation RADar: The NEXRAD system is an interconnected system of Doppler meteorological radars (WSR-88Ds) destined for approximately 175 sites throughout the continental United States, in portions of Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico, and at selected overseas military bases.
NEXRAD Description NEXRAD Pictures NFS Network File System: is software that lets a client program running on one computer use a networked server computer's disk drive as if it were a local disk. It is a Sun Microsystems distribution that has been licensed to hundreds of products. NIC Network Interface Card (see Network Interface Card) NIS Network Information Service: Formally called "yellow pages" this software allows configuration files such as passwd, hosts, etc... to be managed in a single location and sharable across the LAN. node = a piece of equipment (computer/Host, device ...) at a location on a network. Noise - Random electrical signals, introduced by circuit components or natural disturbances, that tend to generate errors in transmission. Novell Netware Family of networking operating systems based on the SPX/IPX protocols for the transport-layer. Null Modem View null modem cable/pin config. NWSTG : National Weather Service Telecommunications Gateway
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ORDA ... open radar data acquisition
ORPG ... open radar product generator
OS ... Operating system
OSI OPEN SYSTEMS INTERCONNECTION. A 7-layer network protocol model designed by the ISO committees intended to be the international standard computer network architecture.
View more detailesysinformation on the OSI model OSPF Open Shortest Path First: A gateway protocol that utilizies actual time vectors to determine the best routing for messages (as opposed to RIP which uses hops).
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PBX Private Branch eXchange: Telephone switching equipment dedicated to one customer and connected to the public switched network.
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol: The standard serial protocol for communication to the Internet. PPP has an HDLC error correction that SLIP was lacking. PPP can be used for both synchronous and asynchronous data. Polling The individual selection of multiple terminals by a controller to allow transmission of traffic to and from all terminals on a multidrop line in an orderly manner. Port A logical pointer to an TCP/IP application such Telnet, FTP etc.
POSIX ... Portable Operating System Interface [AWIPS]
PPP ... point-to-point protocol
Print Server - A computer or device which serves as the interface and control mechanism to a network accessible printer. Protocol A formal description of message formats and rules that equipment must follow to exchange those messages. A group of protocols interfacing together, such as in a LAN, are referred to as a stack. (See OSI layered architecture) Protocal Analyzer - A device that decodes a bit stream being monitored into characters that represent the format ansysinformation content of a transmitted protocol
PTM ... point to multipoint
PTP ... point to point
PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit: A logical connection between endpoints in a network that remains in place until the network administrator tears it down.
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No terms defined.
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RADID ... radar information display
RAM ... random access memory
RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol. The Internet protocol that finds the IP address to match a known physical address. It is primarily used by diskless workstations. Repeater In 802 Ethernet a repeater is used to extend the segment by simply regenerating the electrical signal. The electrical signal is considered the physical or OSI layer 1.
RCM ... radar coded message
RDA ... radar data acquisition [WSR-88D]
RDBMS ... Relational database management system [AWIPS]
RF ... radio frequency
RFI ... radio frequency interference
RJE ... remote job entry
RIP Routing Information Protocol: An Interior routing protocol supplied with UNIX and most routers. RIP is used to update routing tables in a network that uses routers. (OSPF is a newer protocol being widely used in routers).
ROSA ... Remote Observation System Automation
Router A device that forwards traffic based on network-layer or the IP address in TCP/IP. These are usually smart devices that can provide alternate routes if one is down. Router pictures CLICK HERE for online instruction on routing & gateways/routers Routing A network-layer function whereby a network device determines where to send packets across the network based on the network-layer address.
RPG ... remote product generator
RPG ... radar product generator [WSR-88D]
RPGOP ... radar product generator operational position [WSR-88D]
RPM ... revolutions per minute
RS-232 An interface standard between the Data Terminal Equipment (Com port) and the Data Communications Equipment (modem). RS-422A Standard for data signaling, using 2-wire balanced transmission.
RS-449 An interface standard between DTE and DCE using balanced transmission of data. Uses a DB-37 connector and may have a DB-9 connector for secondary channel.
RS-530 An interface standard that uses balanced data transmission and DB25 connector.
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SBN ... Satellite Broadcast Network
SCSI ... Small Computer Systems Interface
Serial transmission - A method of information transfer in which the bits that compose a character are sent in sequence one at a time.
SLIP Serial Link Interface Protocol: A non-standard network layer protocol that allows for point-to-point communications via TCP/IP across a serial line. Lacks the error correction capabilities of PPP but is satisfactory for direct computer-to-computer links. SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol: An applications layer protocol used for sending and receiving mail. It also provides specifications for functional third party E-mail system (CC-MAIL) interaction and control.
SNMP ... Simple Network Management Protocol
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol: A protocol used by network components, such as bridges, routers, and other intelligent network management devices, to exchange network-management information. SPX/IPX SPX is the transport layer protocol developed by Novell. SPX is not used much even by Novell. The IPX protocol has proven to be fast and efficient, particularly with the relatively small data packets---in the 512 byte range--- usually requested by DOS and Windows applications. IPX is bundled in most network operating systems including Windows, Windows NT, LANtastic, and Power Lan. However IPX's small packets aren't desirable on wide area networks, where TCP/IP is preferred, but IPX packets are more effective on a Local Area Network.
SQL ... structured query language
Socket A port number combined with IP address that identifies a particular Address logical connection in use by an application system. subnet A portion of a network that shares a network address with other subnets but is distinguised by a unique subnet number. A subnet is to a network as a network is to an internet.
Subnet address / number - a part of the IP address which designates the locally administered subnet subnet mask - a number which is used in a network (i.e. Internet) used to interpret which IP address bits are used for network, subnetwork (see subnet above), and host identification. CLICK HERE for online instruction on subnetting swap - information normally utilized in computer memory that has been written to temporary disk space because of limited memory. Switch Switching Hub: a multiport Ethernet device designed to increase network performance by allowing only essential traffic on the attached individual Ethernet segments. Packets are filtered or forwarded based upon their source and destination physical addresses. The distinction between bridges and switches has become blurred. Switch is now used to refer to a multiport device that operates at Ethernet wirespeed.
Switch pictures Synchronous transmission - Transmission in which the sending and receiving instruments are operating continuously at substantially the same frequency and in which the desired phase relationship can be maintained by means of correction.
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T1 Term for digital carrier used to transmit DS-1 (1.544Mbps) formatted data. Term often used for DS-1 signaling speed. TCP An Internet transport protocol to provide reliable, connection-oriented, full- duplex bit streams. TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol: an internet transport protocol providing reliable, connection-oriented, full-duplex bit streams with IP's ability to route packets through a WAN. CLICK HERE for online instruction on TCP/IP TCP/IP Or TCP/IP stack (See OSI layers): A group of protocols developed for internetworking Suite systems with differing computing platforms ( i.e. IBMs with DECs with PCs with Unix etcetera ) over a LAN or a WAN. Also used on the Internet. Includes IP, ICMP, TCP, UDP, FTP, Telnet, SMTP, SNMP, TFTP TDM Time Division Multiplexer: A device that allows the transmission of two or more independent data channels on a single high-speed circuit by interleaving the data from each channel on the circuit by time.
Telnet The virtual terminal protocol that lets users on one host access another host and work as terminal users of the remote host. Terminal - A device that connects many terminals to a LAN through one network Server connection. The terminal may be remoted through a modem. Pictures of Terminal/Comm Server TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol: A TCP/IP protocol that lets a user on one computer access and transfer files to and from another computer over a network. For TFTP as opposed to FTP this is usually done with much less user intervention/overhead and can be done automatically without user/password access.
TIFF ... taged image file format
Topology - The 'shape' a network takes, such as a star (with a centralized hub) or a bus (equipment strung on one open-ended cable serially from end to end), a ring (circular closed-ended cable(s), etcetera...[AWIPS]
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UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter: A device that performs asynchronous communication functions by converting parallel digital output from a DTE into serial bit transmission and vice versa.
UDP User Datagram Protocol: an Internet transport protocol that exchanges datagrams without acknowledgments or guaranteed delivery.
UDP ... User Datagram Protocol [AWIPS]
UHF ... ultra high frequency
UNIX A powerful networkable multi-user operating system. In the NWS UNIX is used in AWIPS, and CRS. Currently there is no single UNIX standard but rather several variants including AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, SCO, UNIXWare, etcetera... UNIX reference pages NWSTC UNIX courses (Intro, SA, SysSpt, NetSec, INFORMIX) UNIXWare - a verion of UNIX formally distributed by Novell but now owned by SCO. UNIXware is used in CRS
UPS ... uninterruptible power supply
URL ... uniform resource locator (Internet address)
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V.22bis ITU standard for 2400 bps, full duplex, transmission over a switched telephone network. V.24 ITU standard for DTE to DCE interface. Nearly equivalent to RS-232. V.25 ITU standard for an automatic call unit, often internal to the modem, for dialing from an asynchronous DTE port only. V.25bis ITU standard for an automatic call unit, often internal to the modem, for dialing from an asynchronous or synchronous DTE port. V.32 ITU standard for 9.6 Kbps, full duplex, transmission over a switched telephone network. V.32bis ITU standard for 14.4 Kbps, full duplex, transmission over a switched telephone network. V.34 ITU standard for 28.8 Kbps, full duplex, transmission over a switched telephone network. V.35 ITU DTE-DCE interface standard that is no longer published but still widely used. The term has come to refer to a high speed,low capacitance, shielded interface with a 34-pin winchester connector. V.35 interface is common on bridges, routers and DSU/CSUs. V.42 ITU standard for error correction at the modem for asynchronous data only. Also the mechanism for negotiating: (1) LAPM (HDLC) or (2) MNP 2- 4 error correction. V.42bis ITU standard for data compression at the modem for asynchronous data only. V.42 error correction must be established first and then V.42bis will negotiate for V.42bis (Lempel-Ziv) or MNP 5 data compression. Voice Has been established with a bandwidth of 0 hz to 4000 hz, however the channel effective bandwidth is 300 hz to 3000 hz at -3dB points after phone company filtering and the electrical characteristics of the local loop.
VHF ... very high frequency
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WAN Wide Area Network: A network that covers a wide geographic area.
WSR ... weather surveillance radar
WSR-57 ... weather surveillance radar - 1957
WSR-74C ... weather surveillance radar - 1974
WSR-88D ... Doppler weather surveillance radar
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X-Terminal - a graphical (X-Windows) display which must get it's configuration information from another device. XMODEM - A half-duplex file transfer protocol limited to transmitting one file at a time.
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YMODEM - A half-duplex file transfer protocol that supports the transfer of multiple files.
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ZMODEM - A full-duplex file transfer protocol that supports the transfer of multiple files and enables a previously interrupted transmission to be resumed at the point of interruption. Zyplex Comms/terminal Server used in AWIPS. Zyplex pictures
10Base2 : An IEEE standard for thin coax (ThinNet) Ethernet network. (10mps - Baseband transmission - 200 meters)
10BaseT : An IEEE 802.3 standard for unsheilded Twisted-pair Ethernet network. (10mps - Baseband transmission)
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