


6.8 Resources

If you encounter an issue you do not know how to solve, there are a couple of places to check for documentation. If you still cannot find a solution, it is time to report the problem.

Deltares Wiki


On previous pages, this course has referred you to the Deltares wiki for more information. The wiki contains information about common issues, recommended procedures, CHPS training, and documentation on the various components of the CHPS system.

Remember: Deltares creates software used worldwide. To search the most relevant NWS documentation, make sure to log into the Deltares Wiki.

CHPS_Ops Listserv

The chps_ops listserv is a commonly used platform for CHPS operation issues.

Sign up for the listserv in order to log on and browse the messages or opt-in to receive emails each time a new topic is posted.

This is an excellent resource for troubleshooting because another RFC may have encountered the same problem and documented a solution.

Go to the listserv web site, locate the chps_ops listserv, and click subscribe. You will receive a confirmation email once your membership has been accepted.