


6.4 Maintenance and Monitoring

One of the best ways to prevent issues is monitoring and maintaining CHPS. System Managers should routinely check a few key areas to prevent common issues.

Maintenance Hint:

If more than one person will be involved in routine maintenance, coordinate with the team and come up with a list of items to check and a schedule of when to check them. This prevents duplicating efforts or missing an item on the list.

The presentation below outlines some common maintenance tasks that should be part of every System Manager’s routine.

What How
System Status Frequently check System Status to catch issues quickly. Do not forget about the back-up systems!
Workflows Monitor workflows and specifically check items such as Rolling Barrel, import tasks, and synching times on all servers.
Error Messages Monitoring the log files in AI, the CHPS IFD, and System Monitor.
local datastores Manage the size of OC local datastores when needed to optimize performance.
Running Processes Use command line syntax to check running processes such as the Master Controller, JBoss, Tomcat, and MCProxies.