


6.5 Types of Errors

ErrorsHere are some tips for handling the various types of errors discussed on the previous page.

General Hint: Check for solutions on the FogBugz wiki or subscribe to the chps_ops infolist.

If you encounter an error not mentioned on the infolist, start a new thread.

User Errors

Again, when working with computers, the most common and probable issue generally is a user error. Indicators of user errors include, but are NOT limited to:

  • system changes not taking effect
  • missing files or changes

Sometimes, putting a file in the wrong directory causes the error. Make sure to verify where new files belong in the directory structure by consulting documentation.

Machine Errors

Machine failures are easy to discover because an error occurs on only one workstation. All of the other workstations are functioning properly. Try recreating the issue on multiple workstations.

  • If all others are working correctly, the problem is most likely related to the machine.
  • Reminder: Use the SA to perform the operations before using in OC mode.

Server and Program Errors

Like most software, CHPS is updated periodically, and some of the updates introduce software bugs occasionally.

Use the back-up system or the development servers (7/8/9) to test the latest install to avoid errors on the main servers. If no errors are present, move on to the remaining servers.

Note: Software installs are typically schedule-driven rather than on-demand, so offices may have to deal with issues caused by a software bug for days or even weeks.