


5.2 About DbVis

DbVisOne of the most useful tools in the System Manager's arsenal is DbVisualizer. Using this program can save time and effort.

Hint: Click the image to enlarge/shrink.

DbVisualizer (DbVis) is a Java-based database management tool created by the DbVis software company. Information on all of their products is available at the DbVis web site.

The NWS uses DbVisualizer Free, a version with database management features and an SQL command window. This package is included with the CHPS installation and, if not already installed, is located in the original CHPS installation directory.

DbVis Functions

System Managers use DbVis to access data tables comprising CHPS. DbVis functions include database queries, editing databases or information, and moving data.

One of the most efficient features of the tool is the access to all the databases in the CHPS system with the one program.

Note: Any user can open DbVis; however, to access the databases, you need a username and password.