


4.6 Pi-Service

Once you have data coming in, the forecasters can complete a forecast for each basin in the area. It's then time to send the forecast to the WFOs. The NWSTC recommends using FEWS Pi-Service to extract forecast data.

Modifying Pi-Service

The forecasts are extracted as XML strings. To modify the script, called fews_piservice.sh, some Java and/or Python programming knowledge is required.

You can find Pi-Service configuration files in the following locations:

  • Main Application Path (chps3): /awips/chps_local/pi_services
  • OC Configuration Path: /awips/chps_share/oc/<user>/xxrfc_oc/Config/PiServiceConfigFiles

Each Forecasting Shell Server also has separate files.

Note: When setting up Pi-Service, the config files must go in the PIServiceConfigFiles directory.


Pi-Service Troubleshooting

  • Administration Interface: The status page on the Admin Interface will show if the application is running properly.
  • Command Line: A command is a second method for verifying the application. Type: ps -ef | grep fewspi

If Pi-Service is not running, start the application just like you would JBoss or the MC Proxy. Use the job sheet at the bottom of the page for detailed instructions. If you still cannot identify the problem, work with the Configuration Focal Point to check settings and ports in the configuration files.

Note: The SA and OC are the same, but the FSS ports are different.

Once Pi-Service appears to be working correctly, check the application (such as gxsets) Pi-Service uses to send data to the WFO.


Take a few minutes and review the procedures on the job sheets to start Pi-Service, or troubleshoot if there are issues.

Job Sheets: Start Pi-Service | Troubleshoot Pi-Service

Reference: Fews Pi-Service (Deltares)