


4.3 Input Setup

Data coming into CHPS should already be configured; however, you must still complete setup when new data sources become available.

Consider the following scenario:

One of your local WFOs calls and explains the state has put in new gages at a wildlife refuge. The state is sending the data directly to the LDAD in CSV format.

System Manager Actions:

  1. Create a new import directory on the Stand Alone and FSS.
  2. Write a script (placed outside the import directory) to pull the data from the LDAD into AWIPS.
  3. Schedule the script to run on the cron.
  4. Edit the Configuration File/Map Workflow in AI.
  5. Open an instance of CHPS Stand Alone.
  6. Upload the configuration and test on the FSS and OC.

It is important to note data input into CHPS varies from office to office.