


3.9 Event Action Mapping

What are event actions? Event actions are workflows triggered when a threshold is crossed. Event actions are triggered after another event concludes.

Event Action

Example: The completion of one workflow could trigger the running of another workflow such as the export of a time series or the export of a report.

The Admin Interface section, “Workflows and FSSs”, has a submenu for Event and Action Configuration and Event Action Mappings.

From the Configuration link, CHPS System Managers can view existing configurations and upload new ones. The Event Action Mappings submenu allows System Managers to map actions to system events.

However, Event Actions require configuration changes in addition to the mappings done in Admin Interface.

Example: An agency may issue one forecast every six hours. However, once the flow or stage reaches a certain level (action stage), CHPS can automatically issue more frequent forecasts if event actions are defined and mapped.

The following job sheet outlines the procedure to map an Event Action workflow.

Job Sheet: Event Mapping