


3.6 Data Files

Data comes in from various sources and is the backbone of CHPS. Should you set up new data sources or run into a data issue, the Admin Interface can help you track data.

On the left side of the Admin Interface is a link labeled “Files”. The Files link provides information about data coming into CHPS.

Use the Files section to monitor data in the system and information on what is not making it into CHPS. The table shows which MC was used, the directory of the data, when it was imported, what was imported, how many files the system read, and possibly most importantly, how many files failed.

Hint: Identify the most severe problems by sorting by the column headings.

The Files option has subcategories for failed imports, dumpfiles, import status, and successful imports. Use these submenus for sorting entries based on what information you are trying to find.

After determining which files were not imported successfully, you can take action such as navigating to the data directories and looking for irregularities with the files.

Instructions: Use the next button to navigate the presentation. Click here to display regular course navigations once you have completed the presentation.