


3.3 Access to AI

No access to computerAll AWIPS users can access the Admin Interface. The Admin Interface was set up during the initial release of CHPS.For initial access to the system, submit a FogBugz ticket. See Lesson 6, Reporting, for more information on FogBugz.

So who needs access? CHPS System Managers definitely need access, but so does everyone who uses CHPS. The information from this interface helps people create more descriptive trouble tickets than, “It does not work”.

Example: Weekend or evening shift forecasters (who are not configuration or system focal points) can use the Admin Interface to determine why data is not being imported correctly; WFOs did not receive forecasts, or various other issues.

Reminder: Accounts are needed for each of the Master Controllers in your RFC’s CHPS system. Therefore, if your office has three Master Controllers, you need to establish three accounts per user.

Take a few minutes now and use the job sheet below to practice creating, modifying, and deleting Admin Interface accounts.

Job Sheet: Managing Admin Interface User Accounts