


2.3 Account Specifics

System ManagerAfter establishing a user "fews" account for yourself, you can create accounts on the Stand Alone and the Operator Client for new forecasters.

Stand Alone
Accounts on the Stand Alone system provide the perfect way of testing new configurations or software without affecting the operational system.

People who need Stand Alone accounts:

  • New forecasters who need some “spin-up” time
  • Experienced forecasters honing forecast skills or using hindcasting mode to prepare case studies
  • CHPS Configuration Focal Points testing new configurations

Only one instance of CHPS, as user “fews”, can run at a time, so establishing individual accounts allows multiple people to run CHPS in SA mode at the same time.

For guidance on setting up a standalone instance of CHPS, refer to the job sheet below.

Operator Client

In order to send forecast information, an Operator Client instance of CHPS needs to be established.

Contact the AWIPS System Administrator to set up an AWIPS account for the forecaster. Then, create a directory (for example, /awips/chps_share/userid) for the forecaster to host all of the CHPS-specific information.

Use the following job sheet to set up a Stand Alone account.

Job Sheet: Creating a CHPS SA Account