


2.6 Configuration Manager

Recall from CHPS Basic Configuration training one of the benefits of CHPS is virtually everything is configurable. While this could lead to numerous configuration sets, the Configuration Manager is here to help!Config Manager

The Configuration Manager is a tool within CHPS to manage the upload of validated configurations to the live system.

In addition to allowing the CHPS System Manager to upload new configurations, the application helps with version management by using optional descriptions when uploading files.

Hint: Click the image to enlarge/shrink.

Program Management Hint: Although the description is optional, include it! Descriptions are more helpful than just a date of the configuration upload in the event your office has to roll back to a previous configuration.

In addition to using the Configuration Manager when uploading validated configurations, use it when CHPS runs do not complete, the system exhibits irregular behavior, or does not run at all.

First, you must determine whether the configuration is “bad” or “corrupt”.


"Bad" or Corrupt?



CHPS runs are not completing.


A typo or other small error in the configuration file.

Roll back to a good configuration, use the SA to fix mistakes, and upload the corrected configuration using the Configuration Manager.

Irregular CHPS behavior or CHPS does not run at all.


More widespread problems with the configuration files.

Use the MCRecovery Tool to remove the old configuration and load a new one.

Note: Use this only if uploading corrections to the configuration is not practical.

After opening the Configuration Manager, you may notice some file names in the center of the screen are highlighted. This indicates which files comprise the active configuration.

For more information about using the Configuration Manager, or how to use the MCRecovery Tool, please see the job sheets and references below.

Job Sheets: Using the Configuration Manager | Completing Configuration Rebuild