


1.6 System Manager Tools

As a System Manager, it is your responsibility to maintain CHPS. The system has several tools to help with this task:


dark blue icon with heart and magnifying glass

The Administration Interface is a web-based tool for monitoring system health.

See Lesson 3 for more information.


dark blue icon with magnifying glass and plus signDbVisualizer is a database management tool that uses SQL to locate databases and query data.

See Lesson 5 for more information.


dark blue icon with caution triangleThe System Monitor displays information on system status. Note: The OC version has more tabs than the SA.

See the Deltares Wiki for more information.


dark blue icon with chain hyperlink imageThe Configuration Manager allows the System Manager to load validated configuration files to the OC.

See Lesson 2 for more information.


dark blue icon with computer monitor and mouse pointer

The Database Viewer displays the local datastore while CHPS is connected to the database.

It is located in the IFD.