


1.5 OC/SA Comparison

The two modes enable RFCs to test and validate changes to CHPS without affect the operational system.


Operator Client

The operational version is called the Operator Client or OC.

The OC communicates with the Master Controller, passing data back and forth with the Central Database.

Each forecaster has an individual instance of the OC with a local datastore.






Stand Alone

The Stand Alone (SA) is the test bed version of the system.

The Stand Alone system can be thought of as an “all in one”.

Use the SA to make changes to CHPS and test them. This does not interrupt operations if problems are encountered with the changes.

Each user with an OC account has the ability to use CHPS is SA mode.

Note: Unlike the OC, the SA is NOT connected to the Master Controller. Instead, the SA runs off a local datastore and file system.