


5.5 Pi-Service in Graphics Generator

You must have Pi-Service running in order to use Graphics Generator.

Click here for a refresher on Pi-Service and a link to a job sheet on setting up Pi-Service.

Pi-Service Interaction

Pi-Service continuously synchs the local datastore with the central database.

GraphGen Pi-Service piservice ldstomemory memory localdatastore
Instructions: Click on each arrow in the diagram to learn more about the interaction between the CHPS components and Pi-Service.

Purpose of Pi-Service Memory Layer

The Pi-Service Memory Layer maintains a memory of the active settings and any unsaved changes made to a currently edited product.

If the local datastore is changed, the settings and changes are not lost; the user is given the option to keep the settings and changes.

Instructions: Click here to display regular course navigations once you have clicked on each arrow in the image.