


4.6 Historical Time Series

Historical eventsOne of the options mentioned on the previous pages was historical events.

Historical events can be a useful comparison tool for a forecaster. The historical events are configured as time series referenced by a location.

From the Time Series Display, the forecaster selects an historical event from a drop down menu. When selected, the historical event appears in the Time Series Display as a subplot.

Note: The Historical Event display option is only enabled if the corresponding location and parameter are selected in Time Series Display.

Set Up

The historical information is mapped in the HistoricalEvents.xml located in the RegionConfigFiles directory. If a file does not already exist, create one using the historicalEvents.xsd schema.

If writing to a new file, remember to define the location ID and the parameter ID so the historical event shows up with the correct time series.

Suggestion: If you have a large number of historical events or a large area, break down the historical events into separate files by region.

For example, instead of having one HistoricalEvents.xml file, create HistoricalEvents_North.xml and HistoricalEvents_South.xml files.

The information in the HistoricalEvents.xml file can also be listed as an historical event set.

Reference: Deltares Wiki – Historical Events