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Space Weather Enthusiasts Dashboard

The Space Weather Enthusiast Dashboard is a collection of displays and imagery that show:

  • a set of three near real-time plots of updating space weather measurements (solar X-ray flux, proton flux, and geomagnetic activity) as it relates to the NOAA Space Weather Scales
  • the 3-Day Forecast: the expected outlook of geomagnetic activity, solar radiation storm probability, and radio blackout potential
  • three displays of the Sun by different satellite platforms: the GOES X-ray imager (shows some solar activity), SDO/HMI imager (shows sunspots), and the SOHO/LASCO instrument (shows the outer corona)
  • the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field measurements in near real time as measured at the DSCOVR satellite
  • the latest WSA-Enlil model run prediction of density and velocity of the solar wind
  • a forecast depiction of aurora visibility in the N. Hemisphere
  • a display of the space weather measurements, to include magnetometer data from the GOES satellite
  • a USAF forecast depiction of model-predicted geomagnetic activity
  • a graphical depiction of total electron count across the United States
  • a graphical display of expected absorption response in the D-layer of the ionosphere