Additional TAF Amendment Criteria


If the TAF forecast Amend if
Thunderstorms, freezing precipitation or ice pellets Phenomenon is no longer expected to continue
No thunderstorms, freezing precipitation or ice pellets Occurs (and expected to continue) or the phenomenon is expected

Wind Direction, Speed and Gusts

TAF Amend if these occur (and expected to persist) or are expected
Direction Mean wind direction will differ by 30 degrees or more with mean wind speeds of 12 knots or higher
Speed (if 12 knots or higher) Mean wind speed differs by 10 knots or more
Calm or light and variable winds forecast Mean wind speeds are expected to become 12 knots or higher
Gusts Gusts > 10 knots above forecast gust (See Note below)
No gusts forecast Gusts > 10 knots above mean forecast speed (See Note below)

Forecast mean refers to average wind direction or speed expected over the specified forecast group time period.

Note: Criteria applies when mean wind speeds are observed or expected to be 12 knots or greater.

Non-Convective Low Level Wind Shear (LLWS)

TAF Amend if these occur (and expected to continue) or are expected to occur
LLWS LLWS no longer expected