Transmitter Power Down Procedure
Transmitter Power-up
Procedure. To power-up the transmitter and return it to system control,
proceed as follows:.
1. Apply power to transmitter
by performing following steps:
a. In single channel systems,
at power distribution panel no. 2, turn ON circuit breakers CB1, CB3, CB5
(ganged), and CB7. In redundant systems, at Secondary Panel #1 for channel
1 or Secondary Panel #2 for channel 2, turn ON circuit breakers CB1, CB3,
CB2 (ganged), and CB7.
b. On transmitter power distribution
panel UD3A13, rotate HIGH VOLTAGE POWER circuit breaker CB1 interlock key
counterclockwise. See figure 3-2.
c. Set following circuit breakers
2. On transmitter control panel
Al, at operation and test sections (see figure 3-5),
perform following steps:
a. At operation section, wait
for STATUS PREHEAT indicator to go out and STATUS AVAILABLE indicator to
light (green).
b. At metering section, use
controls and indicators (see figure 3-6 and table
3-6) to ensure that appropriate transmitter operating parameters are
within tolerances indicated on parameter record card in holder at bottom
of transmitter control panel Al.
If an alignment or an adjustment
must be performed, perform the alignment or adjustment at this time; then
continue this power- up procedure.
c. At operation and test sections,
place transmitter under system control by pressing and releasing CONTROL
MAINT/SYSTEM switch/indicator (if SYSTEM indicator is not already lit).
Observe that SYSTEM indicator is lit (amber) anMAINT indicator is not
3. At RDA terminal, perform
following steps:
a. Verify that system console
mode is displayed. If not, simultaneously press SHIFT and PORT keys.
b. Type "RDAUP. Observe that
RDA Console Mode Operation display logo appears.
c. After RDA terminal is up,
shift to application mode by simultaneously pressing SHIFT and PORT keys.
If at a redundant system on
the non-controlling channel skip step d. and proceed to step e.
d. Place system in operate by
typing OPER<return> on the command line. Observe that "OPER
ACCEPTED" is displayed. Observe that
RPG link indicates R,V,W indicating transmission of base data products
to the RPG.
e. Enable remote control by
typing ENRC <return> on command line. Observe that "ENRC ACCEPTED" is
displayed on screen.