Hydro Program Manager Course
Course Overview

  • Lessons
  • Reference Materials
  • Objectives
  • Instructions
  • Description

Reference Materials

This course frequently references the National Directives System (NDS). Take a few minutes to bookmark the following locations:

NWS Directives are located at https://www.weather.gov/directives/.

From there, click 10-Operations and Services.

A majority of the directives referenced in this course are in NDS 10-9 Hydrologic Services Program.

Note: Individual directives are referred to as National Weather Service Instruction (NWSI).

NWSI 10-901 Water Services Program Management

NWSI 10-921 Weather Forecast Office Water Resources Operations

Note: Directives and supplements change regularly. Link to the NWS Directives page rather than printing copies to ensure the staff does not use outdated materials.

Course Objectives:

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Locate reference and training materials.
  • Create a Hydrologic Services Manual.
  • Submit accurate reports.
  • Train staff.
  • Coordinate with partners and stakeholders.
  • Effectively communicate hydrologic information.
  • Perform service backup for hydrologic products.
  • Manage gage locations using several tools.
  • List the steps in the leveling process.
  • Verify E-19 information.

Click the button to continue to the course reference material.


Review the directive!

When you see this image, take a few minutes to review the directive discussed on the page.

In order to receive credit for this course you must register and complete the course assessment in the Commerce Learning Center.

This step may be completed now or after you have completed the course.

Click the continue button to continue to course objectives or click here to login to the CLC to register for the course.

Course Title: Hydrology Program Manager Course

Welcome to the Hydrology Program Manager Course

Facilitated by: Denise Balukas
Approximate course length: 2.5 hours
Target Audience: Hydrology Focal Points

The goal of this course is to provide an overview of the Hydrology Program Manager duties. This course provides some of the baseline information which will be covered in more depth during the 3.5 day HPM Residence Course.This course is strongly recommended for anyone planning to attend the residence course.