


1.6 Tips

Focal points should consider the following when using the Stand Alone (SA) version of CHPS to create simulation.

Divide tasks among people in your office

Division of Tasks

Configuration processes for CHPS simulations involve a set of configuration files.

Assigning one or more simulation focal point(s) with a specific list of tasks can prevent overwriting configuration files and limit system errors.

Recommendation: Select at least one simulation focal point to manage and maintain simulations.


Communication Skills

Maintain clear lines of communication. Examples include:

  • adding comment lines when changing code
  • developing a documentation strategy

Support Services

The Development and Operations Hydrologist (DOH) at your office is the first stop for guidance with CHPS.

In addition to local assistance, the Hydrologic Services Division (HSD) and Office of Hydrologic Development (OHD) are the primary entities for support and development services with CHPS.