


3.3 Calibration Methods

The method used for calibrating a model depends on the model itself.

Learn which method is used for the model you are calibrating and the parameter requiring adjustment.

Two Possibilities

Segments are calibrated using one of two methods - by editing XML files or by using the Modifiers tab.

Modifiers tabModifiers Tab

Calibrate most SACSMA, SNOW-17, and UNIT-HG by manipulating parameters in the Modifiers tab.

Click here for a list of the default modifiers available.

Hint: Click the image to enlarge/shrink.

Note: The modifier names correspond to the parameter names defined in the SACSMA module parameter file.

Ask the focal point if the modifier you need does not appear in the Modifiers tab.

Rerun the segment after modifying parameters to refresh the calibration graphic.

ADIMP - additional impervious area

ET_DEMAND_CURVE - evapotranspiration demand adjustment factor

LZTWM - maximum value of lower zone tension water

REXP - exponent for the percolation equation

RIVA - riparian vegetation area

UZFWM - maximum value of upper zone free water

UZK - fractional daily upper zone free water withdrawal rate

UZTWM - maximum value of upper zone tension water

ZPERC - maximum percolation rate


Edit XML

Calibrate other models, such as APICONT and LAG/K, but editing the model's UpdateStates file, located in the ModuleParFiles directory.

Ask the Configuration Focal Point if you need help with this task.

APICONT (Continuous Incremental API) models soil moisture conditions on a continuous basis


LAG/K is a hydrologic routing model
