


5.5 Add a Module to a Workflow

Earlier in this lesson, you learned the process for creating a new module for an existing segment. In order for CHPS to process the added module, add the module instance to a workflow configuration file.

workflow Recall the actual workflow configuration files are contained in the WorkflowFiles directory.

Therefore, when creating new module instances, you will typically need to complete the following steps.

Steps Actions
1 Create the module instance in the ModuleConfigFiles directory.
2 Register the module instance in /RegionConfigFiles/ModuleInstanceDescriptors.xml file.
3 Verify the module is listed in /SystemConfigFiles/ModuleDescriptors.xml.
4 Add the new module instance to a workflow file.
5 Add the model display for the forecast group to the /SystemConfigFiles/DisplayGroups.xml.

Here is a sample workflow file (Hint: Click the image to enlarge/shrink):

Workflow File