


3.7 Import Archives from the File System

The Archive Display tool manually imports archive files from the file system into the archive database.

Benefit: This functionality is useful when obtaining archive zip files not already saved as metadata in the archive database.

Import Archives from Files

Use the following steps to import an archive zip file from the file system into the archive database manually:

  1. Access the Archive Display tool on the SA with the latest RFC configuration.
  2. Select Forecast Runs under the Upload to Archive (subfolder) located on the top left of the window.
  3. Click the Import file button on the bottom right of the window. A new window will open, showing all the files available in the archive import directory on the file system.
  4. Select the file to import.
  5. Click the Open button.

The system imports the requested file into the archive database for direct import into the SA.

The next section describes how to import the data into the SA.